
Town of Hoessla

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Revision as of 13:37, 15 November 2024 by DM Maiyannah (talk | contribs) (Add townbox)
Municipality of Hoessla
Culture Level Medieval
Climate & Terrain Mountain hills
Year Formed 32 BC[1]
Population 555[2]
Races (%) Humans 95%, dwarf 5%, other 1%
Languages Spoken Balok, Dwarven, Common
Religions Church of Ezra, Cult of Hala, the Dwarven Pantheon
Government Feudal Monarchy
Ruler Title Burgomaster of Hoessla
Title Inheritance
Title Ascendant (Above) Lord Boyar of the Southern Forests
Title Descendant (Below) Burgomaster's Deputy, presently vacant

A village in southern Barovia, one of the mining communities in the foothills of Mount Sawtooth, between Cuzau (to the west) and Immol (to the east). It is about a mile from the southern Misty Border.[3]

Places to Go

The Pick and Ladder Inn[3]


  1. False History
  2. Server canon: on the mid end of average for a medieval village; no original population given.
  3. 3.0 3.1 p175I, Strahd, The War Against Azalin