
Witch Hunter

From Time of Unparalleled Darkness Wiki

Original Tabletop source: Secrets of the Dread Realms

Note: The below describes a class not yet fully implemented in Time of Unparalleled Darkness, and thus may change in its final implementation.

The folk of Ravenloft commonly apply the term "witch-hunter" to scholarly adventurers who research dangerous creatures (whether the be hags or other night horrors), seeking their weaknesses, to eliminate them more easily. The witch-hunter typically prefers to deal with her foes through superior tactics and guile rather than through brute force. In their studies, witch-hunters often learn to cast a few protective spells, which sometimes earns them a reputation as "hedge mages." Witch-hunters are usually of a good alignment, but it is a tale as old as time to hear of adventurers whom grow too zealous in their children of the night. Evil witch-hunters usually still believe themselves good, but employ questionable means and look the other way if their hunts accidentally bring unfortunate innocents to harm. The ends justify the means, after all.

Class Niche

A witch-hunter is a specialist fighter, even moreso than a ranger against their favoured enemy. While they are not going to be a part of every outing, they are the first one people turn to

Differences from Ravenloft tabletop

  • The requirement to have survived a battle with their first studied foe is lifted; we trust that players will roleplay this appropriately and do not need the mechanical enforcement, which would involve an ornerous amount of record-keeping.
  • Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (monster lore), Decipher Script, and Gather Information, all fall under the combined gamut of Occultism, which replaces them both in the requirements, and the class skills.
  • It is unclear whether it is intended for the Witch-Hunter is intended to have Arcane Spell Failure or not. Given the medium armour proficiency, we have interpreted as not having Arcane Spell Failure, especially given the otherwise moderately weak spellcasting ability.
  • The class has been given full attack bonus to shore up severe deficiency in melee with their low Fortitude save. Likewise, they gain Balance for similar reasons.
  • Both this class and the 3.5e monster hunter class which is derived from it are spoken of in the mechanics as if they are meant to be 10 level prestige classes, yet present tables for a 5 level progression. The 10 level progression presented here is extrapolated reasonably from what is stated, and embellished in the small voids left in the higher level.

Class Requirements

To qualify to become a witch-hunter, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Base Attack Bonus: +2
  • Occultism: 4 ranks.
  • Lore: 3 ranks.
  • Feats: Courage, and Expertise.

Class Features

  • Hit Die: d6
  • Class Skills: Alchemy (Int), Balance (Dex), Concentration (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Occultism (Int), Hide (Dex), Lore (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis)
  • Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
  • Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A witch-hunter is proficient with simple weapons, light armour, medium armour, and shields.
  • Spells: A witch-hunter gains spells starting at 1st level from their own witch-hunter spell list. These spells are not subject to Arcane Spell Failure.

Class Abilities

Studied Foe

Bonus Feat(s)

At 1st level, a witch-hunter may select a specific type of creature (vampires, ghosts, werewolves, hags, etc) as a studied foe. This table is identical to the ranger's Favoured Enemy ability. The witch-hunter has scrutinized the habits and weaknesses of this foe, and gains +2 on Sense Motive checks against this type of that creature. Likewise, in combat, she gains a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls against this foe, and a +1 insight bonus to saving throws against abilities they use against her.

At 4th, 7th, and 10th level, they may select an additional studied foe. Alternatively, they may select Studied Foe Focus, allowing them to gain an additional +2 insight bonus to Sense Motice checks, +2 insight bonus to attack bonuses against this foe, and an additional +2 insight bonus to saving throws against abilities they use against her. This is in addition to the first Studied Foe feat's bonuses.

At 7th or 10th level, she may then further specialize on this Studied Foe, gaining Studied Foe Specialization. This grants them an additional +2 insight bonus to Sense Motive checks, +2 insight bonus to attack bonuses against this foe, and an additional +2 insight bonus to saving throws against abilities they use against her. This is in addition to the first Studied Foe feats bonuses, and the Studied Foe Focus feat's bonuses. This means if they specialize entirely on one foe for the full 3 feats, they gain +6 insight bonus to sense motive checks against that foe, +5 to attack rolls against that foe, and +5 to saving throws against that studied foe, making them a very formidable foe against the enemy type they specialize against.

Turn or Rebuke Undead

Supernatural Ability

Witch-hunters often possess remarkable reservoirs of faith, albeit not to the same degree as a pious priest. When a witch-hunter reaches 3rd level, she gains the supernatural ability to Turn Undead (if good or neutral), or to Rebuke Undead (if evil). This functions identical to the cleric ability, as if used by a cleric 2 levels lower.