
Village of Berez

From Time of Unparalleled Darkness Wiki

Municipality of Berez
Culture Level Medieval
Climate & Terrain Wooded plains
Year Formed 5 BC[1]
Population 809[2]
Races (%) Humans 98%, half-vistani 1%, other 1%
Languages Spoken Balok, Common
Religions Church of Ezra
Government Feudal Monarchy
Ruler Title Burgomaster of Berez
Title Inheritance
Title Ascendant (Above)
Title Descendant (Below) Burgomaster's Deputy, presently vacant

Berez is a fishing village in Barovia. It is located on the Luna River, with Vallaki several miles up north.[3]

Places to Go

Law and Order

People to See

Streets of Berez


  1. False History
  2. Server canon: Inflated to be on the high end of average for a medieval village, not originally stated.
  3. I, Strahd p.272