
City of Nartok

From Time of Unparalleled Darkness Wiki

Nartok is a small city in the Forest of Shadows in Darkon. Nartok is found near but not on the Vuchar River, it making use instead of Malanuv as its port. Nartok does sit on the King's Highway and is the first large community north of the frontier with Falkovnia making it a military prize of the first order.[1]

Locations in Nartok


Nartok can be divided into two major divisions, Old Town and New Town. Walled fortifications built following the first First Dead Man’s War surround Old Town; it houses the city's elite old blood and generally holds a cultured atmosphere. Said construction brought in an influx of artisans and workers that came to live around the walls of Old Town, causing a new section of town to be built. Today Old Town holds Nartok's many ethnic and racial neighborhoods as well as the Logger's Quarter that is the center of Nartok's lumber operations.[1]

Inns and Taverns[2]

Streets of Nartok

Inhabitants of Nartok

Law & Order in Nartok[2]

Nartok in Ravenloft Products

Nartok, more specifically the Temple of the Eternal Order, is the adventure site for Death Ascendant. In that adventure, the future darklord of Necropolis, Death is spawned on the church's grounds. In addition, Nartok and its surrounding environs ins the setting for the novel Tower of Doom.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gazetteer II p. 51
  2. 2.0 2.1 Gazetteer II p. 52