
City of Chateaufaux

From Time of Unparalleled Darkness Wiki

Municipality of Chateaufaux
Culture Level
Climate & Terrain
Year Formed
Races (%)
Languages Spoken
Ruler Title
Title Inheritance
Title Ascendant (Above)
Title Descendant (Below)

Chateaufaux is a small town located within Dementlieu. Although foreigners associate Dementlieuse culture with the fine art and foppery of Port-a-Lucine, Chateaufaux has developed its own identity (albeit obscure to most) for science, crafts, and inventions. Unfortunately, a rising tide of madness is growing within Chateaufaux. If the Something in the Water dread possibility is in play, this is a result of the Fiends of Chateaufaux poisoning the water before their removal from the city[1] in 741 BC[2] Unfortunately, this may have dire implications for Dr. Vilhelm Mikki and his famed clinic, for the locals are beginning to think him the cause.[3]


Law Enforcement


The Noble Brotherhood of Assassins[5]

Locations in Chateaufaux

Inhabitants of Chateaufaux

Streets of Chateaufaux

In Ravenloft Modules

The events associated with the Chateaufaux Fiends and their capture of Van Richten are detailed in Chilling Tales.


  1. Gazetteer III p. 30-31
  2. Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium III p.72-73; Note that the encounter with these fiends doesn't appear in the original uncompiled Van Richten's Guide to Fiends. Therefore, the encounter with the Fiends of Chateaufaux took place after the first VRGtF was published. Gazetteer III p.30-31 says the event was "just over 15 years ago" from the Gazetteer's current date.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Gazetteer III p. 31
  4. Chilling Tales
  5. Heroes of Light