
Main Page

From Time of Unparalleled Darkness Wiki
Revision as of 18:58, 13 October 2023 by DM Maiyannah (talk | contribs) (→‎Mechanical Information: Fix table formatting)

Welcome to the wiki for Time of Unparalleled Darkness, a persistent world set in the RavenloftTM Campaign Setting of Dungeons & Dragons.

Please take some time to read the pertinent pages in the wiki prior to play, as they contain information about how classes, skills, and mechanics vary from NWN or tabletop D&D.

Lore Primer

Mechanical Information

Prestige Classes Please note that all prestige classes feature changes from Tabletop, so it is wise to read the appropriate page.
Base Classes

Please note that all classes feature changes from Tabletop, so it is wise to read the appropriate page.

Artificier Barbarian Bard
Cleric Druid Expert
Favoured Soul Fighter Monk
Ranger Rogue Sorcerer
Warlock Warmage Wizard
Anchorite of the Mists Blackguard Dwarven Defender
Weaponmaster Shadowdancer

Getting Started