Civic construction
Changes of 2024-05-14, by Maiyannah
- Added a new fancy chair, and an abacus placeable.
Changes of 2024-05-12, by Maiyannah
- Add fixups from mocap animations: the wall leaning emote now better connects with walls, faint and cross arms now have proper loops.
Changes of 2024-05-11, by Maiyannah
- Seperate licensed assets into toud_assets.hak
- Move the pew placeable to toud_assets
- Add Ezran candleabra placeable to toud_assets.hak
- Add entry to placeables.2da for the new candleabra.
- Fixed Emma portrait entries in placeables.2da with the new last name :)
- Replace benches with new pews in Sanctuary of Our Guardian's Grace
Changes of 2024-05-08, by Maiyannah
- Add new Ezran pew placeable to toud_placeables.
Changes of 2024-05-05, by Maiyannah
- Changed starting gold to 900 to represent the actual total of valuables desired by the PhB.
- Added some more expensive things to the New Character Area vendor as a result.
- Relabel all the vanilla NWN placeables to both be better organized and mark them as from NWN.
- Got the Ezran statue placeable working (finally), and placed by the Sanctuary of Our Guardian's Grace in Zeidenberg.
Changes of 2024-05-04, by Maiyannah
- Further Favoured Soul implementation:
- Added packages from cleric for Favoured Soul.
- Added Spells Per Day entries for Favoured Soul.
- Added Bonus Feats entries for Favoured Soul.
- Added takeable Feats entries for Favoured Soul.
- Renumbered packages with the new class IDs.
- Made all player packages start with 200 gold and a set of Adventurer's Garb.
- Scripted some help text for the New Character Area.
- Filled in the Magic Mirrors in the customizatrion area of the New Character Area.
- Fixed Talis's portrait description in the New Character Area.
- Added a new character item vendor to the New Character Area.
- Changed the bookcases to some fancier ones in the New Character Area, and made the ones presently unusued static.
Changes of 2024-05-03, by Maiyannah
- Favoured Soul getting fleshed into its own class:
- Added custom save progression table to Favoured Soul - they now properly have their own save progression.
- Added custom class skill table to Favoured Soul.
- Added custom icon for Favoured Soul.
- Added tlk entries for Favoured Soul name and description.
You will need to redownload the tlk when this goes live on test.
Changes of 2024-05-02, by Maiyannah
- Properly made the new animations one-shot where appropriate (coy_jump, excited, dejected, nicewave, tell_secret, take_knee, victory, makethreat, solong, playjoy)
- Added @emote clear which will clear looping custom animations.
- Added kneeling looping emote version of take_knee.
Changes of 2024-05-01, by Maiyannah
- Added palmweaver's mocap animations to our @emote command. New emotes:
- coy_jump
- excited
- dejected
- nicewave
- tell_secret
- terrified
- take_knee
- wall_lean
- victory
- squat
- makethreat
- washwindows
- argue
- gracedance
- crossarms
- playpiano
- faint
- solong
- playjoy
Changes of 2024-04-30, by Maiyannah
- Add some lanterns to Krofburg.
- Add ice damage to the water crossings in Krofburg (except the bridge of course).
- Added some additional houses to Krofburg.
- Fix some more placeable names to be more easily found.
- Add lacking attribution to some placeable names.
- Some general 2da cleanup (typos etc).
Changes 2024-04-29, by Maiyannah
- Added fixed lamppost placeable in toud_cepfixes, courtesy of mmat.
Changes 2024-04-27, by Maiyannah
- Upgraded the Drylands tileset to the HD remake by ShadGuy.
Changes 2024-04-26, by Maiyannah
- Add a campfire and seats around it to the Krofburg vistani camp.
- Add some houses to Outlook Hill.
Changes 2024-04-25, by Maiyannah
- Rebuilt Krofburg with a more modern and better looking tileset.
- Combined the two Krofburg areas (Outlook Hill and outskirts) into a single large area.
Changes of 2024-04-24, by Maiyannah
- Added garda station to Krofburg.
- Expanded Krofburg vistani camp.
- Added some placeables fluff to Krofburg.
- Extended Krofburg road to the outcast cave.
Changes of 2024-04-23, by Maiyannah
- Fix 2da issue preventing Favoured Soul from loading.
- Added basic Krofburg area.
- Tweaked positioning and lighting of objects in Helm's Hall of the Grey Vigil.
Changes of 2024-04-22, by Maiyannah
- Filled in Helm's hall in the Grey Vigil with basic amenities and items.
Changes of 2024-04-21, by Maiyannah
- Added drylands tileset by BaronRage for future content use.
Changes of 2024-04-18, by Maiyannah
- Added some trees and foliage to Zeidenberg Outskirts - Merchant's Gate.
- Added some tents along the road by the Grey Vigil.
- Initial version of the Grey Vigil's temple interior.
Changes of 2024-04-17, by Maiyannah
- Added DiscordNotification plugin to the wiki, for the Discord changes feed.
Changes of 2024-04-16, by Maiyannah
- Added some more clutter to the grounds of the Grey Vigil.
- Added living quarters building to the Grey Vigil.
- Added an inn with stables to the Merchant's Gate outskirts.
Changes of 2024-04-15, by Maiyannah
- Added a watchtower to the Zeidenberg Merchant's Gate Outskirts.
- Made several things unbreakable in outskirts ("plot")
Changes of 2024-04-09, by Maiyannah
- Adding fencing to the perimeter of the Grey Vigil compound.
- Make several placeable blueprints that were not plot-marked, plot-marked.
- Fixed up the Outskirts's placeables to be plot-marked properly.
Changes of 2024-04-08, by Maiyannah
- Changed name entries of several placeables to be more identifiable in the toolset.
Changes of 2024-04-03, by Maiyannah
- Added 263 placeables from NWIC to toud_placeables.
Changes of 2024-04-02, by Maiyannah
- Split common textures from toud_items and toud_placeables into a new hak: toud_textures.
Changes of 2024-03-26, by Maiyannah
- Added wouldbebards low magic greatsword, bastard sword, short sword, battleaxe, and rapier overrides to toud_items.
- Add Bill Harper's HD Whips and Handaxes to toud_items.
Changes of 2024-03-25, by Maiyannah
- Fixed vfx on wouldbebard's replacement longswords.
Changes of 2024-03-23, by Maiyannah
- Some scripting fixes to improve stability - and optimizing execution depth.
Changes of 2024-03-21, by Maiyannah
- Fixed the killed garda in the Abandoned House dungeon to properly spawn dead.
Changes of 2024-03-20, by Maiyannah
- Fixed some z-fighting issues with carpets in several places.
Changes of 2024-03-18, by Maiyannah
- Fixed up the Red Vardo guards after the resuffle.
- Added the Red Vardo guards as blueprints.
- Fix up blueprint for Lyssa von Zarovich.
Changes of 2024-03-16, by Maiyannah
- Added custom icons for Artificier, Barbarian, Blackguard, Cleric, Dragonfire Adept, Druid, Fighter, Monk , Necromancer, Shaman, Sorcerer, and Warlock classes.
- Added stubs for all the custom classes in the .tlk file.
- Added missing 2da stub for warlock.
- Fixed garda blueprints affected by the relabel.
Changes of 2024-03-15, by Maiyannah
- Added Dragonfire Adept, Hexblade, and Red Wizard to the wiki (stubs for now)
Changes of 2024-03-14, by Maiyannah
- Change classes.2da to have stubs for all the additional classes and prestige classes.
Changes of 2024-03-10, by Maiyannah
- Some adjustment to various items in the Black Stone Inn to minimize z-buffer fighting.
Changes of 2024-03-06, by Maiyannah
- Changed wiki automatic sitemap generator to generate sitemaps that Google and Bing will process correctly.
- Added IndexNow support to the sitemap generator.
- Finished the overhall of walls and floors of the Black Stone Inn.
Changes of 2024-03-02, by Maiyannah
- The walls and floors of the Black Stone Inn (floor one) are - in most parts - now actually black stone!
- Fixed a couple handfuls of other floating items.
- Added a means to the wiki to add meta tags so the information makes it to crawlers.
- Added an automatic sitemap generator to the wiki.
- Added webmanifest to the wiki.
- Added favicons to the wiki.
Changes of 2024-02-26, by Maiyannah
- A collection of small fixes to item positions: fixing improperly aligned doors, some floating items are no longer floating, and so on.
Changes of 2024-02-24, by Maiyannah
- Fixed the scriptable popups, so those work again now.
Changes of 2024-02-23, by Maiyannah
- Updated the test server to 8193.36-11.
- Fixed several scripting errors this caused.
- Fixed placeable blueprint errors this caused.
- Fixed several model geometry flaws that the new renderer causes.
- Reduced lighting in several areas to prevent HDR bloom washing out scenes.
- Modified skybox lighting in several areas to prevent HDR bloom washing out scenes.
Changes of 2024-02-20, by Maiyannah
- Added some addition clutter to Zeidenberg - Merchant's Square.
Changes of 2024-02-18, by Maiyannah
- Add txpple's HDRI skyboxes.
- Compress the tga textures so they can work in nwsync.
- Got all the appearance editor form implemented.
- Added sewer grates to Zeidenberg - Merchant's Square as a bit of thematic clutter.
Changes of 2024-02-17, by Maiyannah
- Move nwsync for test from cdn to (test).
- Reinstate the silver-rimmed Zeidenberg arms shield.
- Added missing second and third-story doors in Zeidenberg - Merchant's Square.
Changes of 2024-02-16, by Maiyannah
- Move nwsync from cdn to (live).
Changes of 2024-02-15, by Maiyannah
- Added a proper status and uptime display to the init.d unitfile.
- Added tinygiants appearance customization code.
Changes of 2024-02-14, by Maiyannah
- Added the new doors to generic_doors.2da
- Added the zwerkules medieval doors to the pallette.
- Added the wouldbebard overrides for vanilla longswords.
Changes of 2024-02-13, by Maiyannah
- Added "More Doors" by Tiberius_Morguhn to toud_doors.hak
Changes of 2024-02-12, by Maiyannah
- Consolidate CEP and zwerkules doors into toud_doors.hak
- Remove several low-quality doors.
- Add doors in each of the vacant openings in Zeidenberg - Merchant's Row East.
Changes of 2024-02-11, by Maiyannah
- Fix live server login issue.
- Address a couple area loading issues.