
Church of Ezra

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The Church of Ezra is the formal church organized around the goddess Ezra, and a fundamental player in the Time of Unparalleled Darkness.[1][2] Ezra is a goddess, whom became mortal, and then a goddess again, a story told through Her Five Revelations. Her Domains are varied by sect, but all have the Mists domain in common, as well as healing, knowledge, law, magic, and destruction. The church is common throughout the eastern Core, and even places where the faith is relatively small often have, at the very least, shrines, [3][4][5] for the Church of Ezra are the only organized entity outside of the Vistani clans whom can traverse the Mists.[6]

Sects of the Church

The Church is divided into Five Sects[7] according to the Revelation they most closely follow:

  1. The First Sect, which calls itself the Home Sect, based out of the Grand Cathedral, in Lekvarest, Borca. It is lead by Praesidius Levin Postoya.[8]
  2. The Second Sect, which calls themselves the Pure Hearts, based out of the Chapel of the Pure Hearts, in Mordentshire, Mordent. It is lead by Bastion Bailey Lacrese.[9]
  3. The Third Sect, which calls themselves the Erudites, based out of the Cathedrale Sainte Meres-des-Larmes, in Port-au-Lucine, Dementlieu. It is lead by
  4. The Fourth Sect, which calls themselves the Zealots, based out of the Last Redoubt, in Nevuchar Springs, Darkon. It is lead by Bastion Teodorus Raines.
  5. The Fifth Sect, which calls themselves the Liberators, based out of the Sanctuary of Our Guardian's Grace, in Zeidenberg, Barovia. It is lead by Bastion Emmanuelle Skyshard.

Church Hierarchy

The Church of Ezra has a linear hierarchy outside of divisions of the Sects: the anchorite is the lowest priest, above them is the toret which leads a congregation, then above the torets are the sentires that lead several churches, and finally, the praesidius is the head of the church.

Outside of this linear hiearchy are three titles: the Bastion, the Inquisitor, and the Curate. They are described below as well.

The Anchorite

Lowliest of the Ezrans that are granted Her Grace is the Anchorite, a single priest whom has the Mists domain and claims one of Her Sects.[10] Her Anchorites wield supreme spiritual authority, and even within the hierarchy all are considered spiritually equal - the hierarchy is more a seniority of experience then inherent authority.

It should be noted that Favoured Souls of Ezra, or other divine casters can exist, but they would be considered blessed laity, not priests of Ezra, unless they also had Cleric or Anchorite of Ezra for access to the Shield of Ezra.

The Toret

The toret is the anchorite of Ezra whom is the head of a single congregation. They can even be one whom created their own. A congregation generally starts with five other members, adhering to the sacred numerology. The Toret is typically the highest position a player will find in the game, as it is the last position that isn't almost entirely administrative, and still allows for adventuring and travel. Typically, a toret will have other Anchorites they can rely upon to run things in their absence - any congregation worthy of a Toret has at least 2 or 3 other Anchorites attending them.

The Sentire

The sentire is the leader of several congregations of churches. He or she essentially administrates the funds between the churches, tends to the orthodoxy of their congregations, and resolves disputes between the congregations. Generally, these congregations are divided into geographic areas that divide the church into central large churches with several sattelite smaller congregations.

The Praesidius

The Praesidius (male) or Praesidia (female) is the leader of Church of Ezra and is often referred to as Ezra's Champion. As the head of the Church, there is only a single Praesidius or Praesidia, often considered to be the one whom resolves disputes of doctrine between the sects. The title belonged initially to the church's founder, Yakov Dilisnya, and it was passed subsequently to his successors. The praesidius is drawn from the ranks of the Home Faith and consequently may be expected to be lawful neutral, though this is by tradition, and is not codified in the church's orthodoxy. This is a topic that comes up to some drama every time the Praesidius or Praesidia must be replaced, since the First Sect nonetheless expects to assume the position through tradition.

To qualify for the position, an anchorite must be able to demonstrate that Ezra will personally watch over and guide him or her safely through the Mists of Death. This is to say that holders of this office are all of at least the 9th level.[11]

The Bastion

The Bastion is a strange position, both inexorably bound up in the hierarchy but also outside it. Formally, the Bastion of a Sect is merely the Toret of the sect's home church - the Grand Cathedral for the First Sect, for instance. Informally, however, they are the ultimate authority within the Sect, since the home church of the Sect is the ultimate authority within the sect. So a doctrinal decree from the Church of the Pure Hearts in Mordentshire would be considered binding to the entire sect. The various sects differ on how rigidly they are guided in this regard: the Second and Fourth sect in particular have long tracts of strictures passed down by their head churches, while the Third and Fifth are famously, or perhaps infamously, much more hands-off in terms of everyday governance.[12]

The Curate

The Curate is a station in large churches, essentially attaches, assistants to the Toret's. They usually are given a specific domain of expertise, which their word is considered the same as the Torets, unless the Toret specifically countermands them. In terms of actual station, they are considered a normal Anchorite in all other matters. Typical remits of a curate include local liasons (such as to the garda), the teaching of new acolytes, the tending of the protectors and their local corps, and similar things. It should be noted that the Curate is generally being groomed to be a portential successor to the Toret, and as such one unsuitable for such elevation, would not be appointed Curate, generally.

Tenets of the Church

Central to the worship of Ezra is the question: what is Ezra? Was she a Goddess whom forsook the rest of the multiverse to protect the Dread Domains, or was she another face of the Mists of Death? Were one to ask four different anchorites, one would get four different answers - especially if they were all seperate members of the four original sects.

While the Fifth Revelation would shed much light on this, regardless of varying interpretations of this or the revelations that came before, one thing unites the church: irrespective of how She came to be, Our Guardian in The Mists holds the role of healer, protector, and ultimately, liberator of the Core, and it is She and She alone whom holds guardianship over the good of the core.

The Church of Ezra is henotheistic overall: although her followers do not deny the existence of other gods such as Hala, Nerull, Bane, or the Morninglord, they believe that of these entities, Ezra is the only being watching over the denizens of the Lands of Mist, and thus, the only being truly worthy of worship. [13]

Sect beliefs vary on these other gods: the Third Sect in Dementlieu often sees the other goodly gods as merely other aspects of Ezra, while the anchorites of the Fourth Sect in Nevuchar Springs often depict the gods of other faiths as demonic beings luring the faithful away from Ezra's salvation. The Home Faith and Pure Hearts meanwhile hold the worship of other goodly gods as merely the worship of lesser beings, to be pitied - and in the Second Sect's case, to be brought into Ezra's true faith, through Her Redemption. Only the Fifth Sect truly cooperates with the other goodly faith as equals, holding the belief that Ezra channels the divinity of goodly other gods for their faithful, an Ezra-centric view of the Dark Pact.

The Revelations of Ezra


Ezra sought for the one pure heart in many lands, but ever did She seek in vain.

In time Her quest brought Ezra to the end of all things. Behind Ezra stretched all the lands of the world. Before Ezra rose only the Mists of Death.

Ezra spoke to the Mists. Asked she: “The world is yours. You set its shape. Why do you allow its people to wander, lost and afraid?” But the Mists did not answer.

Again Ezra spoke: “Why have You filled your world with the Legions of the Night?” But the Mists would not answer.

A third time did Ezra speak: “All things have their role in the Grand Scheme. The Legions of the Night have their place. But guardians and guides have their roles in turn.” Still, the Mists offered no reply.

Ezra spoke once more: “I have searched all the vastness of your lands, but I have found no guardians for my people. I have found no guides for the lost.” Again the Mists were silent.

For the last time did Ezra speak. “You have failed the Grand Scheme. You have created a Hollow that must be filled. If you will not watch over your people, then must I.”

Upon the Fifth entreaty, did the Mists of Death reply. From the Mists came a voice, and the voice spoke, saying: “Turn back, mortal. You know nothing of the Grand Scheme. You know nothing of the Mists. You have reached the end of your world. Continue and you shall find only your destruction, nothing more.”

Yet, Ezra held fast against the Mists, saying: “You cannot bid me enter, yet I cannot turn away. I offer Myself to you so that you may know the suffering of My People. If I must be destroyed for them, then that is what must be.”

The Mists of Death fell silent. Then the voice spoke, once more. “Enter the Mists if you must, mortal, but not as you are. Your kind has no place here. To enter the Mists, you must become as one with the mists. Never again shall you leave them. Will you forever sacrifice yourself to watch over these few mortals?”

Spoke Ezra: “Such is my role in the Grand Scheme. So must it be.”

And with those words, did Ezra become Our Guardian in the Mists.

The Books of Ezra

Book I. viii.–xix.[14]


Spoke Ezra, “Such is the role I have chosen in the Grand Scheme. Such is what I must do.”

And with those words did Ezra become Our Guardian in the Mists.

From her place in the Mists of Death, Ezra looked down upon the mortals of the world, and She extended Her hand to fill the Hollow. But the Mists would not part.

Again a voice came from the mists, saying, “Foolish one, you still know nothing of the Grand Scheme. The Hollow begins to the Mists alone. It is their creation. You shall not spoil what they have wrought.”

Ezra spoke, saying, “The Mists have wrought nothing but sorrow. It is My Role to succor the suffering of my people. What is to become of My Place in the Grand Scheme if the Mists cannot bid me Act? What shall become of the Pure of Heart, if they have no Guardian in the Mists?”

Answered the voice, “You may have those who choose to have You, and those only. If they be Pure of Heart, then so shall it be.”

Ezra spoke again, asking, “And what of the Legions of the Night? What of the Drinker of Blood, and the Stealer of Breath, and the Beast that Rends? What of the Horrors who would steal the Pure of Heart and add them to their Legions?”

The voice replied, “The Legions of the Night belong to the Mists, not to You. Should mortals join the Legions of the Night, then that is the role they have chosen in the Grand Scheme. They were never among Your Pure of Heart.”

Ezra accepted this, saying, “So shall it be. But if the Legions of the Night can be brought out of the darkness, then that is the role they have chosen in the Grand Scheme, and they shall stand in your Legions no more.”

The Mists of Death were silent.

Ezra then gathered up the Pure of Heart, naming them Her Anchorites. It would be their role in the Grand Scheme to guide the Legions of the Night back into the Light.

As Ezra shall give succor to her Anchorites, Her Anchorites shall give succor to the faithful. The faithful shall spread Ezra's love to all the world, pushing back the darkness. When the Legions of the Night stand empty, the Hollow shall be filled. Such is the Grand Scheme.

The Books of Ezra

Book II. xx.–xxxi.[15]


In the time before, there was a Goddess, and she was Ezra. Ezra looked down upon the world of mortals, and she saw that the world was well-tended by the Gods. But then, Ezra's eyes fell upon the Hollow. She looked deep into the Hollow, and saw a place abandoned by the Gods, its people left to suffer alone.

Ezra asked her divine brethern, “Why has this place been forgotten? Why have You forsaken its people?” But the Gods did not answer.

Again Ezra spoke, saying: “We are the guides and guardians of mortals. Such is Uur role in the grand scheme. It is not right that these mortals be abandoned so.” Again, the Gods gave no reply.

Ezra spoke for a third time: “It is not right that these mortals be left to suffer. If you will not watch over Your people, then must I.”

Thus, Ezra left the realm of the Gods. Her Divine Brethern watched Her leave in Silence. Ezra descended to the Hollow, but before She could Enter, the Mists of Death rose up to block Her path.

From the Mists came a voice, and the voice spoke, saying: “Turn back, Goddess. This place is not for you. This place is for the Mists alone.”

Yet Ezra held fast, saying: “I cannot allow your people to suffer alone. It is my place to protect them.”

Again the voice spoke, warning: “Take heed, Goddess. Your kind have no place in the Hollow. Enter, and You shall find only Your destruction, nothing more.”

Yet Ezra stood firm against the Mists, saying, “You cannot bid me enter, yet I cannot turn away. I cannot allow your people to suffer alone. If I must be destroyed, then that is what must be.”

Upon Her fifth entreaty, the voice spoke once more: “Enter the Mists if you must, Goddess, but not as you are. To enter the Mists, you must become one with the Mists. You must cease to be, Your name forgotten in all other places. You shall never return to your brethern. Will You sacrifice all this for these few mortals?’

Spoke Ezra: “Such is My Role in the Grand Scheme. So must it be.”

And with those words, Ezra joined the Mists. Her name became known to those in the Hollow, and lost to all others.

The Books of Ezra
Book III. i.–xiv.[16]


“Such is my role in the Grand Scheme,” spoke Ezra. “So must it be.”

With those words, did Ezra sacrifice Her mortal life to become Our Guardian in the Mists.

From Her Place in the Mists of Death, Ezra looked down upon the mortals she had forsaken all else to protect. Only then, did She see the wickedness in the mortal's heards. Only then, did she see that the mortals she sought to protect, and the Legions of the Night, were one and the same. Only then, could she see the foulness of their hidden sins.

Ezra saw that those whom had been true to Her were but few - a scattering of dim stars in a sky of deepest black. In Her new role, Ezra saw that the sinfulness of the mortals was so loathsome that the Mists of death would soon wipe the Hollow clear of their blackened souls.

Ezra's heart sank, but She would not abandon hope. She knew that She could not save the souls of the wicked, but she could offer salvation to those who repented their evil ways, and allowed Her Guidance into their hearts.

Ezra did father her faithful few, naming them Her Anchorites. Ir would be their role in the Grand Scheme to guide the corrupted back into the light. As Ezra would guide and protect Her Anchorites, her Anchorites would stand vigil over those of good faith.

Ezra's servants must show the corrupted their paths of doom, and guard the Faith from those lost souls whom would not be saved. Her Anchorites must redeem the fallen and destroy the Legions of the Night whom would corrupt the pure.

When the Mists of Death sweep down, when the darkness devours the land and consumes the wicked, Ezra shall stand vigil over those whom have been true to Her.

The Time of Unparalleled Darkness is fast falling upon the land. We live in the days of dying light. Signs and Portents surround us, and only those whom admit Ezra's Light shall be spared.

The Books of Ezra
Book IV. xix–xxix.[17]


In worlds beyond, in times before, there was a goddess, and She was Ezra. Ezra offered succor to those whom no others would take. Ezra offered serenity to those whom knew only conflict. Ezra offered life to those doomed to die.

Ezra's divine sight fell upon a hollow, within a false land of the Mists of Death, populated by lost souls. Ezra knew they were abandoned. Ezra knew that they suffered only conflict. Ezra knew they were doomed to die.

And so, Ezra intervened: She violated the boundaries of the Land of Mists, and in fear of Her power, the Mists bound Her to themselves. Reborn into the Hollow as a mortal,, Ezra knew hserself not. But Ezra was still the woman She was as a goddess, and She served the people of the Hollow, as a stalwart guardian, and a gentle healer.

Ezra did not know that the Grand Scheme yet guided Her.

When Ezra defied the Mists of Death again, and stepped within They that They would know the suffering of Her people, again was she reunited with Godhood. Now She knew fully the suffering of Her People, for she had shared their burden. From this, Ezra knew the path of salvation for Her People. Ezra knew the tool with which She could grant it to them.

Ezra guided Her people through the mouths of Her Chosen Successors, whom She called Her Anchorites, and spread did her love to the four conrners of the Hollow. Even the Legions of the Night fell before Her, begging for salvation. For, Ezra decreed she would be coming, and upon Her heels, the Mists would wipe clean the wickedness and darkness of this false world.

Such was the Grand Scheme, for there was, and always is a plan.

Ezra knew in Her Blessed Knowledge of the Grand Scheme, that all who had not yet nkown Her love, but resisted temptation, could be guided from this prison as surely as the pure of heart. For, Ezra had always intended to draw Her mists upon the Hollow, and shatter it from within. Through the cracks would fall light in which all the would would be able to be seen again. When the Mists roil and darkness billows and spits from the Legions of the night, the Pure of Heart will rsists - and Ezra shall be their shield.

The Pure of Heart will offer their manifold hands to those whom have tasted darkness, and will guide them to its repudiation and their own salvation. Their numbers will swell five-hundred fold to face the Legions of the Night. And in the last moment of the last breath of this struggle, Her Name will fill the Hollow and shatter the Sky, and the Pure of Heart will be free at last.

The Light beyond the Mists will cascade forth as a curtain, and fall upon the Pure of Heart. Ezra will know them, and in her fated role as Guardian and Guide, free them. The souls that have waited with Her in the Mists will cry in joy, as they know the heavens that dwell beyond their prison, and in their hearts will cry the name of Ezra.

Salvation comes for those whom resist the tempations of the Mists of Death, liberation for those whom fight the Legions of the Night. These are the fated soldiers of Ezra, in the final army of Light whom will liberate the pure souls from this prison.

Such is the Grand Scheme. So will it be.

The Books of Ezra
Book V. XX-XXXII.[18]

  1. Domains of Dread p. 134-135 (Canon)
  2. Ravenloft Third Edition p. 51 (Canon)
  3. Gazetteer II p.31 (Canon)
  4. Gazetteer III p.110 (Canon)
  5. Gazetteer IV p. 26 (Canon)
  6. Van Richten's Arsenal p. 82-84 (Canon)
  7. This varies from the canon, where there is only four; but plays into canon as well, as it is said the Fifth Revelation would be the last revelation.
  8. Gazetteer IV p. 26 (Canon)
  9. Server canon, see Bailey Lacrese - written by DM Maiyannah.
  10. Gazetteer III p. 109 (canon).
  11. John W. Mangrum's "Anchors of the Faith", The Book of Secrets, p. 25. (Netbook Canon)
  12. John W. Mangrum's "Anchors of the Faith", The Book of Secrets, p. 26. (Netbook canon)
  13. John W. Mangrum's "Anchors of the Faith", The Book of Secrets, p. 25. (Netbook Canon)
  14. John W. Mangrum's "Anchors of the Faith", The Book of Secrets, p. 16. (Netbook Canon) - with some copyediting for better grammar
  15. John W. Mangrum's "Anchors of the Faith", The Book of Secrets, p. 17. (Netbook Canon)
  16. John W. Mangrum's "Anchors of the Faith", The Book of Secrets, p. 18-19. (Netbook Canon) - with some copyediting for grammar.
  17. John W. Mangrum's "Anchors of the Faith", The Book of Secrets, p. 19-20. (Netbook Canon) - with some copyediting for grammar and consistency with the end time's name.
  18. Server canon - written by Theorem of Neutrality and edited by DM Maiyannah