
Original Tabletop source: Heroes of Horror
Please note: The following class write-up is for a class that is in a beta-testing state and is incomplete on Time of Unparalleled Darkness; expect that it will be changed before it is finalized.
A specialist wizard who calls himself a necromancer or a cleric with the Death domain has significant power over undead and the forces of negative energy, but a the big-N Necromancer is their true master. A practitioner of vile and forbidden arts, the necromancer roots about in graveyards, searching out moldering components for her obscene spells. She calls upon restless, tormented spirits of the dead, seeking their arcane secrets. She might be a consummate villain, or perhaps a tortured hero whose obsession with death leads her along moral paths many in the Core would consider questionable, or at best, unwise.
Class Niche
A necromancer is similar to other arcane spellcasters such as wizards, sorcerers, bards, or warmages. She does not learn spells as quickly as wizards do, nor have access to such a great variety of spells, but she excels at her primary repertoire - necromantic, evil, and fear-related spells. She is a combat caster, with more resilience than a wizard or sorcerer and a definite emphasis on combat-oriented necromantic spells.
Roleplaying a Necromancer
Backgrounds of Necromancers
The dark arts of deeper, true necromancy are not openly taught in any place within the Core, but some secret cults and groups exist which pursue it. A player necromancer is much more likely to come into the abilities through self-study. Most commonly, this happens as an aberration of Eternal Order teachings, or from assembling the secretive writings from followers of the evil Gundarakite god Nerull.
Those of more goodly, or at least neutral bearing, often have some tragic experience in their early lives that marks the beginning of their fascination with death, undeath, and the power of necromancy. She might have been the sole survivor of a terrible massacre, hiding somewhere while she watched her family, friends, and neighbors cut down, or perhaps forced to hide in a pile of corpses in order to escape the soldiers who razed her village. Other necromancers experience some supernatural connection to a long-dead civilization or a single notable figure of the ancient past. She might have been haunted since childhood by strange dreams in which she muttered phrases in some forgotten language, waking with the compulsion to investigate dusty ruins in search of arcane lore.
Barovia is one of the few places it could be said Necromancers thrive, albeit in secret, since the cult of Nerull may be secret, but it is not, relatively-speaking, small. Moreover, but rarer, are those occasional scions of Count Strahd von Zarovich himself, whom possesses the skills as well. It should be noted even a darklord such as the Count does not flaunt these powers too openly, and players should govern themselves accordingly.
A Caution about playing Necromancers
It cannot be stressed enough that this brand of Necromancy will likely swiftly bring you to the attention of the Dark Powers, unless you take a lot of careful attention to scrupulously avoid such attention. If you are adverse to the notion of gaining Dark Powers, perhaps not entirely through your direct action, do not play a necromancer. This is a class to which even a neutral character, let alone a good one, is at considerable moral peril, and while playing such a character is permitted, the expectation is that you will embrace exploring that morality. The more willing you are to stumble, falter, and struggle with that moral conflict, the less likely you are to be placed in that situation, but there are no gaurantees. The Dark Powers are devious and cunning, and you may not perceive the ways in which they draw you into the Caress.
Alignment and Religion
Not all necromancers are evil, although the best of them could easily be described as evil-tolerant. Whatever their good intentions - if they have any - necromancers commit acts that most societies in the core consider evil, and where they are not morally repugnant, at least repellant. Some places, such as Dementlieu, make necromancy and its practice illegal, and as such, even a necromancer believing they do good will find themselves
The gods of good and light generally look disfavourably on necromancy. Ezra - or her Church at least - would regard the act of Necromancy as creating more proponents of the Legion - though the Fourth Sects view that the ends justify the means has led to at least one Necromancer in that particular sect's ranks. The Morninglord has an entire religious order dedicated to hunting down necromancers and vampires. Even the cults of Osiris of Har'Akir would not openly allow a known necromancer as a worshipper, let alone a member with any authority. The only faith which could be argued to be good (or at least having a moral footing in their homeland) which accepts such followers is the Eternal Order - and even they would ask such members to greatly temper their arts, lest we bring about the Hour of Ascension early. The religious necromancer is either a very scrupulous follower of the Eternal Order suppressing much of their abilities, or a member of a much more profane and evil god, such as Nerull.
Necromancers as Adventurers
Necromancers have much in common with wizards, particularly specialist necromancers. They often join associations of wizards or sorcerers, where such groups exist, in order to acquire more spells. Paladins and clerics of good deities often dislike necromancers, nor do druids hold any fondness for them. Other character classes are often able to work alongside dread necromancers, if their own goals or methods are equally unsavory or otherwise align.
A necromancer's participation in combat is a balancing act. She wants to be able to deliver touch attacks, but light armor and her relatively weak (d6) Hit Dice offer only modest protection against enemy attacks. The spectral hand spell is an effective solution that allows her to remain apart from the thick of melee while using her charnel touch (and other spells). Her familiar can also deliver these attacks for her, although it is little less fragile than the necromancer herself.
Gaining the ability to cast animate dead is a bit like taking the Leadership feat and acquiring a squadron of followers. Skeletons and zombies can shield a necromancer from enemy attacks, open doors and spring traps while she remains at a safe distance, and wait on her hand and foot. Dread necromancers always look for opportunities to animate fallen foes of Large or larger size, since they make even more effective combatants.
As a necromancer reaches the higher levels of her class, her charnel touch becomes ever more fearsome and she eventually gains powerful mastery of her undead summons, bolstering them considerably. By this point she has probably acquired magic items that bring her Armor Class to a respectable level and thus might be more willing to wade into the thick of melee with her charnel touch. Of course, by the time she can cast horrid wilting there might be little need for her to enter melee at all.
Necromancers in the Core's Society
There are only two places necromancers can openly fit into anything called society: in the Cult of Nerull, where their malign arts would be exalted, or, if they restrain their abilities to commanding the existing undead, and are very scrupulous to do so in the aims of returning them to the Grey, the Eternal Order. Outside of that, very few true necromancer groups exist. They tend to find groups of wizards and other arcane casters, and try to pass as "merely" specialist wizards of the necromancy school. Even that has pitfalls, such as Dementlieu's laws against necromancy entire.
Adventurers are often quick to turn a blind eye to the exact nature of the arts they practice, so long as a necromancer doesn't do anything overtly untoward, or draw unwanted attention onto the group, and as such the most common place to find necromancers that isn't hidden from sight, or the headsman's axe, is in adventuring parties. Those whom it does become apparent dabble in undeath in this way will generally find themselves outcast even among the outcasts and outlaws, however, for fear of the attention of the Dark Powers these abilities can often draw.
Differences from the SRD/Vanilla NWN
- In the SRD, this class is referenced as the "Dread Necromancer". TOUD terms it simply, the "Necromancer"
- There is no alignment restrictions on Necromancer in TOUD. While you will be looked down upon by much of society - lawful and otherwise - that is a social construct, and we do not wish to suppress the roleplay of those whom wish to try to play good-aligned necromancers. Do however note that many of your abilities will risk Dark Powers checks, and if you dally into such ends of the class you will likely see your alignment shifting towards evil. The class centers around many spells and abilities that, even if you unwaveringly stay to good, will place you within the interest - and perhaps grasp - of the Dark Powers. Do not play this class if that bothers you.
- The Lich Transformation ability has been substituted in this class for an ability that further reinforces the summons aspect. This is to delineate the Pale Master prestige class as the class striving towards self-transformation, and further "lean" on the summons of the necromancer.
- The Lich Body ability has been renamed to Negative Energy Resilience in keeping with the theme.
- The Fortitude saves have been adjusted with an increase to make up for the lack of the Lich transformation abilities.
- Knowledge/Decipher Script/Gather Information skills are combined into three meta skills in TOUD: Culture, Occultism, and Religion. The Necromancer gains Culture and Occultism as class skills.
- Craft Wondrous Item does not exist in TOUD and thus is not granted by this class.
Class Features
- Hit Die: d6
- Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Culture (Int), Hide (Dex), Lore (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Occultism (Int), and Spellcraft (Int.)
- Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Intelligence Modifier) x 4
- Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier
- Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: A necromancer is proficient with all simple weapons and with one martial weapon of her choice. Her choice of martial weapon is made when the character takes her first level of necromancer and cannot be changed. Necromancers are also proficient with light armor, but not with shields. The somatic components required for necromancer spells are simple, so members of this class can cast necromancer spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. She still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells derived from other classes. In addition, if a necromancer wears medium or heavy armor, or uses a shield, she incurs the same chance of arcane spell failure as any other arcane caster if the spell in question has a somatic component (and most do).
- Spellcasting: A necromancer casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the dread necromancer's spell list. Like a sorcerer, she can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. When a necromancer gains access to a new level of spells, she automatically knows all the spells for that level given on the dread necromancer's spell list. Necromancers also have the option of adding to their existing spell list through their advanced learning ability as they increase in level (see below). To cast a spell, a dread necromancer must have a Charisma score of 10 + the spell's level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a dread necromancer's spell is 10 + the spell's level + her Charisma modifier. Like other spellcasters, a dread necromancer can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given in Table: The Dread Necromancer. In addition, she receives bonus spells for a high Charisma score.
Class Abilities
Charnel Touch
Supernatural Ability
Negative energy flows through a necromancer's body, concentrating in her hands. At will, but no more than once per round, she can make a melee touch attack against a living foe that deals 1d8 points of damage, +1 per four class levels. This touch heals undead creatures, restoring 1 hit point per touch, +1 per four class levels.
Advantage: Scabarous Touch
Starting at 6th level, once per day a necromancer can use her charnel touch to inflict disease on a creature she touches. This ability works like the contagion spell, inflicting the disease of her choice immediately, with no incubation period, unless the target makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Cha modifier). The DC for subsequent saving throws to resist the effects of the disease depends on the disease inflicted.
The effect lasts until the dread necromancer makes a successful charnel touch attack or the disease runs its normal duration. The spectral hand spell enables a dread necromancer to deliver a scabrous touch attack from a distance.
A necromancer can use this ability once per day at 6th level, twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day at 16th level.
Advantage: Enervating Touch
When a necromancer reaches 12th level, she gains the ability to bestow negative levels when she uses her charnel touch attack. Each day, she can bestow a total number of negative levels equal to one-half her class level, but no more than two negative levels with a single touch. The saving throw to remove the negative levels has a DC of 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Charisma modifier.
The effect lasts until she makes a successful charnel touch attack. A dread necromancer can use the spectral hand spell to deliver this attack from a distance.
Beginning at 17th level, the number of negative levels a dread necromancer can bestow per day increases to equal her class level.
Rebuke Undead
Extraordinary Ability
A necromancer can rebuke or command undead creatures by channeling negative energy through her body. This functions identical to an evil cleric of equal character level, regardless of her own personal alignment.
Negative Energy Resilience
Supernatural Ability
Starting at 2nd level, a necromancer's constant exposure to negative energy toughens their body as their channelling conditions the body. The first symptom is her body's increased resilience to physical harm, giving her damage reduction. She gains DR 2/bludgeoning and magic. As the necromancer increases in level, this DR increases in effectiveness, to DR 4 at 7th level, DR 6 at 11th level, and DR 8 at 15th level.
Negative Energy Burst
Supernatural Ability
Beginning at 3rd level, a necromancer gains the ability to emit a burst of negative energy from her body, harming living creatures within 5 feet of her. This burst deals 1d4 points of damage per class level. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + Cha modifier) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within this burst are healed the same amount of hit points as the damage she deals to living creatures. A necromancer can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, and one additional time per day for every five levels she attains beyond 3rd (2/day at 8th level, 3/day at 13th level, and 4/day at 18th level).
Advanced Learning
Supernatural Ability
At 4th level, a necromancer can add a new spell to her list, representing the result of personal study and experimentation chosen from the Necromancer Advanced Learning spell list. Once a new spell is selected, it is added to that dread necromancer's spell list and can be cast just like any other spell she knows.
A necromancer gains an additional new spell at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level.
Mental Bastion
Supernatural Ability
Starting at 4th level, a necromancer gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resist sleep, stunning, paralysis, poison, or disease. This bonus increases to +4 at 14th level.
Fear Aura
Supernatural Ability
Beginning at 5th level, a necromancer radiates a 5-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. Enemies in the area must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Charisma modifier) or become shaken. A creature who successfully saves cannot be affected by that dread necromancer's fear aura for 24 hours.
Summon Familiar
Extraordinary Ability
At 7th level or anytime thereafter, a dread necromancer can obtain a familiar. The familiar she acquires is more powerful than a standard wizard's or sorcerer's familiar, but it is from a smaller select list of undead creatures.
A necromancer's familiar gains the usual benefits given familiars, with two exceptions. Its type does not change, and it does not gain the exceptional ability to speak with other creatures of its kind.
Undead Mastery
Extraordinary Ability
All undead creatures created by a necromancer who has reached 8th level or higher gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity and 2 additional hit points per Hit Die.
In addition, when a necromancer uses the animate dead spell to create undead, she can control 4 + her Charisma bonus HD worth of undead creatures per class level (rather than the 4 HD per level normally granted by the spell).
Similarly, when a necromancer casts the control undead spell, the spell targets up to (2 + her Cha bonus) HD/level of undead creatures, rather than the 2 HD/level normally granted by the spell.
Negative Energy Resistance
Supernatural Ability
Beginning at 9th level, a necromancer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made to resist negative energy effects, including energy drain, some ability drain, and inflict spells.
Light Fortification
Supernatural Ability
Starting at 10th level, a necromancer gains 25% resistance to critical hits; this is the equivalent of the light fortification armor special ability. At 17th level, this fortification increases to 50%.
Shepherd of the Undead
Extraordinary Ability
At 20th level, the necromancer gains supreme mastery over the dark summoning arts of necromancy. Their minions gain 2 additional hit dice, an additional +4 to all their saves, and an additional 4 AC. This is on top of the bonuses previously granted.